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Dr. Rick’s Blog
Promptings Never Exceed Your Capacity
To Thine Own Self Be True These words of Polonius are taken from Shakespeare's work: “This above all: to thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man…" I’m going to share one of my most valuable clinical...
read moreMature Content For Teens-Sign of the Times
These are the last days. Jesus Christ is now preparing for his second coming (Matthew 24:32-33). So none of us should be surprised when we see prophecy fulfilled. Prophets, including Isaiah and Paul (2 Timothy 3:1–5; Isaiah 2:11-12), foresaw our perilous times. We...
read moreSex Education for Christians 101
Sixteen year old Joe has two first degree felony sex charges involving a 12 year old "consenting" female. Joe attends church on Sunday and his youth activity every Wednesday. He has a leadership position in his youth group. His parents are also active in the Church....
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